Are You a Tiger Who Has Been Unduly Harmed by Netflix?

Are you a tiger, liger, or other big cat that has been harmed by the recent “Tiger King” documentary on the popular video streaming service, Netflix?
You may be entitled to financial compensation!
Please don’t wait! Call for a free legal consultation and a financial information packet.
All tigers and members of the Panthera genus should call now!
Call 1-877-PURR-SUIT (1-877-787-7784) Today!
Do You Qualify?
If your cat falls into the genus Panthera, then yes. Species admitted into the class are:
Bengal Siberian South China Indochinese Malayan Sumatran, etc.
Asiatic Barbary Cape
African Indian Javan Arabian, etc.
Snow Leopards
Who Doesn’t Qualify?
Sorry housecats, you’re out. Unfortunately, we don’t believe that Garfield and his other homebound friends have been harmed in any way that would qualify them to be added onto this case. However, we are open to adding them if, at some point in the future we find that Colonel Meow’s lives have been changed.
We are also unable to accomodate bears, wolves, elephants, camel, or other animals seen, but not featured in the documentary.
Elements of our Class Action Suit
Numerosity – this element is best defined as a class of Cats that is so large it is impractical to join all of them into a suit initiated by a single person. The actual number of affected Tigers is not the key, but rather the impossibility of joining all of the plaintiffs to an existing suit that is considered.
Commonality – potential class members must have all suffered an action or inaction that arises from a common set of facts, and should thus be decided by application of similar legal standards.
Typicality – this element is met when the claims of the class representative are typical of the claims of the entire class. When claims of the class representative and of the entire class arise from the same incident, such as a bus or airplane crash, typicality is said to exist.
Adequate Representation – the representative for the class must be able to adequately represent the entire class; this is accomplished by ruling out any conflicts of interest and by securing competent legal counsel.
How to Contact Us
We want to hear from you tigers and large cats today. It’s important that we clarify that we are not representing the owners of the cats, but the cats themselves in this class action. Please only contact us if your are a Tiger, Liger or other Large Cat and you feel that your life has been impacted negatively by “Tiger King.”
You can reach us for this case only at 1-877-PURR-SUIT (1-877-787-7784)
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get back to your normal lives of playing, snuggling, and eating your owner’s unwanted husbands in no time.